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Hugh Jackman will host the 81st Academy Awards Show on Feb. 22nd, 2009.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The First Marathon, 2004

Shortly after I moved to Omaha, I decided to take advantage of the movie megaplex in town. Once football was over, there just wasn't much going on and the dreary sky, arctic winds and lack of entertainment was forcing me into hibernation.

Shortly before moving to Omaha I had completed my goal to see every film that won an Oscar for Best Picture. I decided there had to be a good way to stay on top of watching all the best pictures. I had lived in Omaha for just about a year and hadn't gotten out much to see many movies. So, I decided I would have a marathon day when I would see as many movies that were showing at the AMC megaplex that were nominated for an Oscar.

I carefully planned out my schedule and invited anyone who wanted to participate in this adventure with me. As it turned out, only two people were able to withstand the movies that started at 10:00 a.m. until the last movie let out after midnight. It was a fantastic day!

That first year, it was just one day. Included in the marathon was a movie that wasn't nominated for any Oscars, but was one that fit the schedule. The schedule, in order, can be viewed here (click on 2004).

Of course the group of gals who invited me to my first Oscar party continued the tradition of a party after our move to Omaha. We started a tradition of making chocolate fondue for the event. Highlights from that first year include me burning my tongue on VERY hot fondue chocolate and getting carrots thrown at me.

Of course, we were a bit drunk on saki. Always being a sucker for themes, I suggested we prepare foods for the Oscar party that had some association with the movies that were up for Best Picture. This is a tradition that has continued.

In 2005, I decided it would be fun to go to as many different theaters as possible during the marathon, which meant it lasted nearly a week. The high-holy priestesses and I ventured to Council Bluffs for OMM II, the first multi-state marathon(and very likely the last).

The Oscar Movie Marathon is a lot of fun and not for those who despise sitting for long periods of time; nor for those who get tired of seeing the same movie-theater commercials and previews over and over and over....