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Hugh Jackman will host the 81st Academy Awards Show on Feb. 22nd, 2009.

Friday, February 22, 2008

There Will Be Blood movie food

There are three quotes from this movie that, together, sum up who Daniel Plainview is, he says each of them:

"I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed."
"What's this? Why don't I own this? Why don't I own this?"
"Now run along and play, and don't come back."

This movie is about a very driven oil man. Combined with the baguettes from Michael Clayton you could make an oil and vinegar bread dip.

Plainview and his son go hunting for quail and eat potatoes and goat's milk. At one time Plainview pours some whiskey into a glass of goats milk and has his son drink it. I'm not sure how that would taste... pretty awful I would imagine.

There Will Be Bloody Marys would be a good cocktail. Milk shakes, whiskey (separately) would both make great beverages for this movie; especially if the milk used is from a goat.